Victoria Licata
Courtesy of Nintendo
Looking to escape to a tropical island but stuck in quarantine? Don’t worry! “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” is here to provide the perfect fix for you! The newest and most highly anticipated game in the franchise was released on Friday, March 20, and is providing an outlet for those practicing social distancing.
“Animal Crossing: New Horizons,” available only for the Nintendo Switch, follows the same gameplay as the previous games – for the most part – and features some friendly faces. A raccoon by the name of Tom Nook invites the villager to fly to a deserted island and start a new life there. Upon arrival, the player has no belongings besides a tent to set up and few items such as a bed and lamp given to them by Tom Nook. After meeting two other adorable animal villagers, the player gets to name their island and learn about the “DIY workbench,” a new feature introduced in the game. The “DIY workbench” allows players to utilize materials they collect while playing the game, such as tree branches and stones, to make furniture for their homes, clothing and accessories for their villagers, infrastructure for their island and tools for various activities such as fishing.
The main goal of the game is to build up your island and pay off your mortgage to continue expanding your home, which does sound a bit funny, because people usually play video games to escape their real-world problems. There are plenty of things for the player to do to make some Bells, the game’s form of currency, to accomplish this. By creating tools such as the fishing pole, net and shovel, the player can collect fish, catch bugs and dig up fossils to sell. These items can also be donated to a museum on the island run by an owl named Blathers. Players can also pass the time by breeding flowers, collecting fruit from the trees, designing clothing and even just chatting with the other animals on the island.
Unlike the previous games, “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” introduces a new feature known as Nook Miles. Nook Miles are points a player can collect by completing tasks such as collecting 20 fish or catching 50 bugs. The NookPhone, given to the players by – you guessed it – Tom Nook, conveniently allows players to check how many miles they have at any time and see what new goals can be worked on, giving them an incentive to spend more time on the game. Nook Miles can then be spent on items like clothing, furniture and Nook Miles Tickets which allow the player to travel to other deserted islands to collect resources.
Not only is the game a fun way to pass time, it’s also a great way to spend some time with friends while being stuck inside. New Horizons allows players to visit one another’s islands and have virtual playdates. There have even been stories shared on social media of people having weddings on the game after their ceremonies had been canceled. While it may not beat seeing one another in person, it’s a cute way to make memories and have some laughs during what is otherwise a stressful time in the world.
If you need a getaway, “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” is now available!