By Katherine Doublet
Bands with weird names have been around since probably as long as music and IMA Robot is not much different. But when asked what their unusual name actually means, inside the band’s RV while parked on the side of the Adams Playhouse prior to last Thursday’s show, Timmy, the band’s guitarist, had this to explain: “It all comes for a comic strip I created where a blue collar worker cuts himself and instead of seeing blood, he sees wires and asks himself, ‘I’m a robot?'”
The rest of the band found Timmy’s idea to be funny and original, much like their music, and the name stuck. Timmy, however, was quick to point out that, originally, the name had a question mark at the end.
Unlike actual robots though, Alex (vocals), Timmy (guitar), Filip (bass), Scott (drums) and Andy (keyboard) are down to earth and realistic guys from Los Angeles who love making music and performing on stage. After five long months of working hard and collaborating with one another, they released their second album “Monument to the Masses” with Virgin Records on September 12th, a project that they are “very proud of.”
Though signed with a major label, IMA Robot certainly don’t sound mainstream. In fact, a bio on the band’s website categorizes them as “ahead of their time”- something Timmy strongly disagreed with.
“Being ahead of your time sounds great, but all of my favorite bands who were ahead of their time [like Television and Gang of Four] never got to experience the potentiality of what they were doing,” he said.
According to them, Ima Robot’s potential stems from their family, friends and fans, to whom they are completely devoted. Their friendly, outgoing personalities and talent can be seen if you catch them in more energy packed environments, like clubs, where they are more focused and comfortable.
New Yorkers can experience Ima Robot’s raw creativity even more now that Manhattan is their new hot spot. And for those who had the privilege of catching them at the J.C. Adam’s Playhouse on October 12th, you know that they guarantee a good time. If you can not make it out to see them in person, be sure keep an eye out for them in the forthcoming Playstation 2 videogame “ATV Off Road Fury 4.” These longtime skateboarders support what they think is new and cool with the sport and do not accept money for the use of their songs for such.
The band’s single “Creeps Me Out” is currently on the airwaves and, as they explained, there are hopes of a live DVD/album in the near future- something Filip is very excited about working on.