By Julia Matias
University students were asked last week to in weigh in on a series of questions on the SGA ballot. Though the referenda are not binding, administration officials previously said they take the results into consideration when making policy decisions.
Sixty-four percent, 1,247 votes, of students said the University should place a non-white statue on campus. Currently all of the statues are white historical figures.
Martin Luther King Jr. came in first place, with 686 votes, as the figure the student body wants to commemorate. Mahatma Gandhi came in second with 498, while Rosa Parks closely followed with 442 votes.
Eighty percent of voters, or 1,548, responded they want their tuition to cover the full 18 credits instead of 17. Only 70 said no and 316 left the referendum unanswered.
For finding an alternative to animal dissection for students with religious and ethical objections, 1,238 of the student body voted yes, while 374 voted no.
The referendum that asked whether there should be a procedure for bringing charges against public safety officers, faculty and administration, received 1,535 yes votes. The referendum that would allow students to use arcade games for free was approved by 1,512 votes.