By Cat Thoreson
“I really don’t get what the big deal is. Lynne Stewart is coming to Hofstra to address whoever chooses to be in the audience; whoever shows up has made the decision by themselves to be there.”
Chris Marron
Freshman, Undecided
Rockville Center, N.Y.
“I think it is safe to say that Lynne Stewart isn’t the first controversial speaker to address Hofstra University. And frankly it shouldn’t be the last. If people are that outraged then they should take it directly to her and voice their concerns in the question and answer session.”
Courtney Overdorf
Sophomore, Public Relations
Oyster Bay, N.Y.
“I have one word: Ridiculous. Understandably Hofstra is hosting a legal ethics conference, but I can’t imagine anyone wanting to hear about Lynne Stewart’s escapades of abetting terrorists.”
Max Singer
Freshman, Creative Writing
Malverne, N.Y.