I am a proud NORML member and would like to comment on Nathan Yadgar’s “It Shouldn’t Be NORML” piece. It baffles me that people can talk about how dangerous marijuana is and completely overlook the fact that alcohol and cigarettes are far more damaging to our health, yet they are legal.
Also, numerous studies have shown that educational anti-drug programs are ineffective. Putting more money towards these programs will not keep kids off drugs. I could cite myself as an example. I went through various anti-drug programs growing up and used to believe I would never touch alcohol or marijuana. Needless to say, I found that both could be enjoyable when used responsibly.
Yadgar also wrote in his article, “If we go through life accepting realities due to the fact that the majority does it, we are due for a bad future.” Where is this majority that the he talks about? The majority of this God-fearing country does not think marijuana should be legalized. This is why we need groups like NORML to advocate for this cause and to reveal the truth about marijuana.
-Maria Suarez, Sophomore(contact me through my e-mail if you need to and if you title these, you should change the subject line I put above because it’s boring)