The Hofstra Chronicle

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Celebrating music with ‘EarthBeat!’

Jesse Saunders/The Chronicle By Maria Santana SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE “EarthBeat!” celebrates the music and dance found within various cultures and the immense beauty of diversity within each of them. The show began with a performance called “Invocation,” a traditional Southern Indian Kuchipudi style dance. Performed by Livia Drapkin Vanaver, co-founder of “The Vanaver Caravan” who is also the artistic

director and a performer for the company. “Invocation” opens with Livia’s silhouette against a deep blue background, evoking a sense of serenity. The dance is traditionally performed as a tribute to the Hindu god Ganesha. Throughout the show, the audience is introduced to multiple parts of the world. Some of the performances are refreshingly unfamiliar, such as “Semmame,” a Kurdish Halay celebratory dance in which the dancers form a chain by linking hands and dancing as one. Others are easily recognizable, such as Carla and Ray Davis’ performance of Colombian “Cumbia,” a traditional Latin style dance. The organization’s love and enthusiasm for the pieces they perform radiates through their movements. The details placed into the dances contribute to making this show special. Musician Bill Vanaver performed an interactive piece with the audience called “Juba,” which emphasized creating rhythm using only the body. He explained, “Hundreds of years ago on the Georgia Sea Islands, drumming had been banned. To express themselves, the slaves on the island began using their hands and bodies to create rhythms and these, in tandem with their voices, created their own form of music.” The background stories add depth to these performances, creating an emotional connection between performer and audience. Bill and the other musicians have mastered multiple instruments in order to keep the genuine feel of the dances. “The Vanaver Caravan” company not only displays dances that showcase diversity, but the performers do as well. Joel Hanna, an Irish Stepper and percussionist for the company stated, “There is no typecast.” The performers are as diverse as the performances. “The Vanaver Caravan’s” presentation of “EarthBeat!” encompasses much of what makes Hofstra such a unique and wonderful community.