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Public Safety Briefs, 3-31-2015

Compiled by Victoria Espinoza On March 27 PS received a call that a Hofstra student was walking on top of the air vent over Sbarro in the Student Center. PS apprehended the student and he was given a summons.

A Hofstra custodian reported on March 26 that sometime between March 2 and March 9 his Hofstra radio was stolen from the Student Center. Police assistance was declined.

A Hofstra administrator reported to PS on March 27 that he observed an individual on the sidewalk near the softball stadium smoking marijuana from a pipe. PS responded and apprehended the individual who was identified as non-student. He was banned from campus.

On March 28 a Hofstra student who resides on campus and works at BurgerFi reported to PS that she was receiving harassing and threatening text messages from a former co-worker at BurgerFi. She requested the co-worker be banned from campus. PS obtained a picture of the co-worker, which will be given to RSRs in the building where the student resides. The investigation is ongoing and police assistance was declined.

A PS officer assigned to the Oak Street security booth on March 28 observed a Hofstra student walk up to the entrance booth and kick the security arm. The arm was damaged and fell off completely. The student was issued a summons.

A RSR assigned to Colonial Square reported on March 29 that a Hofstra student left his ID but failed to identify who he was visiting in the complex when he came to visit. He was given a summons for violating residence hall policy.

PS received a report of an odor of marijuana in a room in Constitution Hall on March 29. PS responded, entered the room and found three students with two pipes, two grinders and a bag of marijuana. The items were confiscated and the students were given summonses.

On March 30 a Hofstra student reported to PS she lost her wallet on March 27. The wallet contained her ID, license, credit cards and $20 and was left in the basement of Axinn Library. Police assistance was declined.

MacDonald comes out on losing end of pitcher's duel vs. Fairfield

Residence halls compete to lower carbon footprint