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Public Safety Briefs

On Feb. 3, a student reported to PS that someone had entered her unlocked vehicle in the Netherlands South parking lot. She discovered several things were thrown from the console. Nothing appeared stolen and a police report was declined. On Feb. 4, while on the 11th                           floor of Alliance Hall, a PS officer smelled marijuana from one of the rooms. They entered the room and found the window had been opened and there was an air freshener. No marijuana was recovered, and both students were issued referrals to the OCS.

On Feb. 4, PS on patrol in Colonial Square observed a non-student in possession of a Hofstra ID card belonging to a resident attempting to enter through the gate. The Hofstra student admitted to loaning the non-student the card for the purpose of visiting him. The student was issued a referral to the OCS for violation of the Hofstra ID policy.

On Feb. 4, PS received a report of an odor of marijuana in Suffolk Hall. PS responded, entered the room and found four students inside. There was a strong odor but no marijuana was recovered. The four students were issued referrals to the OCS.

On Feb. 4, a student told PS that at some time between Feb. 3 at 3 p.m. and Feb. 4 at 9 a.m., her vehicle in parking lot seven sustained damage to the front side bumper. There were no witnesses and a police report was declined.

On Feb. 4, a student reported that when she returned to her vehicle in the Netherlands South parking lot, she discovered someone had entered her vehicle and removed $70 from the car. The money had been in plain view on the console. There were no witnesses and police assistance was declined.

On Feb. 5 at 1:55 a.m., PS received a report that a male and female were arguing in Tilburg House. PS responded to the location and found the male and female outside in the hallway. The female student became agitated and distraught. Crisis counselors were notified and responded to the location. The female student was eventually calmed down. They were both issued referrals to the OCSfor dating violence and verbal abuse.

On Feb. 5 at 2:00 a.m., PS responded to a report of a disturbance at Dutch Treats. The officer met with the manager, who stated that a Hofstra student was identified pushing things around in the store and refused to leave when requested. The manager said he was verbally abused by the student and several of the student’s friends, who had already left the area. The accused student was issued a referral to the OCS.

On Feb. 6, while conducting an inspection of a room in Estabrook Hall, a Hofstra administrator discovered trace amounts of marijuana on a desk in the room. PS responded, confiscated the marijuana and the resident was issued a referral to the OCS.

On Feb. 6, a student reported to PS that when she returned to her vehicle in the Netherlands North parking lot, she discovered that her GPS was removed from the glove compartment. There was no damage to the vehicle and police assistance was declined.

On Feb. 7 at 5:50 p.m., while on South Campus, a special patrol officer observed a vehicle crash through the emergency gate near the New Academic Building. He observed the vehicle turn and head south towards Breslin Hall. He radioed the dispatcher with the plate number and PS observed the vehicle traveling east-bound on the Hempstead Turnpike. The vehicle was stopped and the driver admitted to crashing through the gate after an argument with his girlfriend, who was in the car. NCPD responded to the location. The officers conducted a field sobriety test and the driver – who was non student – was arrested for driving while intoxicated. The vehicle was impounded, and both an accident report and a work order to have the fence fixed were filed.

On Feb. 8, while conducting a fire inspection of a room in Constitution Hall, a Hofstra administrator discovered drug paraphernalia in open view. PS confiscated the drug paraphernalia and the occupant of the room was issued a referral to the OCS.

On Feb. 8, a student reported that at some time between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m., he left his wallet unattended in the Calkins Hall men’s basement bathroom. A professor found it and when it was returned to him he discovered that between $300 and $400 had been taken. There were no witnesses to the theft and police assistance was declined.

On Feb. 9 at 12:10 a.m., while on patrol, a PS officer observed a white pick-up truck with a temporary Texas license plate drive into the Belmont Place parking lot and begin to drive in a reckless manner, spinning the wheel and driving in reverse. The officers approached the vehicle when it came to a stop and two men exited the vehicle and ran toward east campus. While exiting the vehicle, they dropped cases of beer into the parking lot. PS pursued the individuals and they were apprehended. They were identified as a Hofstra student and a non-student. Both individuals were belligerent and verbally assaulted the officers. NCPD was notified and when they arrived both individuals calmed down. The non-student was banned from campus and the Hofstra student was issued a referral to the OCS.

On Feb. 9 at 10:50 p.m., an RSR reported to PS that a student who was banned from the Netherlands was observed entering Bruekelen House. PS responded to the location and observed the student descending the stairs. They escorted the student and the person she was visiting to the information center where they were both issued referrals to the OCS.

On Feb. 9, PS responded to a report that there was a strong odor of marijuana in Nassau Hall. PS knocked and the resident opened the door. When questioned, the student admitted to smoking marijuana in the room. No marijuana was recovered and the resident was issued a referral to the OCS.


PS – Public Safety

RA – Resident Assistant

OCS – Office of Community Standards

NCPD – Nassau County Police Department

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