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Public Safety Briefs 4/11

On March 31 at 2:20 p.m., PS received a report that a male and female student inside a room in Newport House got into a loud verbal altercation because one of the students had dropped a bottle containing liquid. There was no physical contact and the situation had calmed down when PS responded. Both of the students were taken to the Information Center and crisis counselors were notified. Both students were issued referrals to OCS for disruptive conduct. On March 31 at 4:30 p.m., A Hofstra faculty member reported that between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. on March 1, $105 was taken from her wallet which was inside her office in Hauser Hall. The office door was unsecured during the time. Police assistance was declined at this time.

On April 1 at 2:00 p.m., PS received a report from a faculty member that there was a vehicle being driven recklessly in the Netherlands parking lot. She said that when asked to slow down, the driver became abusive. The vehicle was registered to a Hofstra student. On April 3, the student was interviewed at the Information Center, where he admitted to being involved in the dispute. The student was issued a referral to OCS.

On April 1 at 3:30 p.m., A PS officer while on patrol in Cambridge House smelled marijuana emanating from one of the rooms. He entered the room and found it occupied with two students and a strong odor of marijuana inside the room. There was no marijuana recovered and both students were issued referrals to OCS.

On April 3 at 11:00 a.m., A Hofstra faculty member reported to PS that at some time between March 29 and March 30, a whiteboard was removed from 202 Gittleson Hall. An investigation was conducted and revealed a Hofstra student – who was observed on video cameras – taking the board from the classroom. When questioned, she said that she found the writing on the board assisted her in her studies. The board was recovered and the student was issued a referral to OCS.

On April 6 at 10:00 p.m., An RA in Constitution Hall reported to PS that she smelled the odor of marijuana on the sixth floor. PS responded, knocked on the door of the room it was eminating from and there was no answer. PS keyed in and found the resident inside. When questioned, the student admitted to smoking on campus but said they did not smoke in the room. The student was issued a referral to OCS.

On April 6 at 10:40 p.m., PS responded to Colonial Square and discovered an intoxicated male student who had jumped over the fence was creating a disruption by knocking on the window of a room and requesting to be let in. PS responded and apprehended the student who said that he had been at a concert in the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum and had drank several beers. He admitted to climbing over the Hofstra fence because he could not find his vehicle – which was parked on campus – due to being intoxicated. The student was taken to the Information Center and the crisis counselors were notified and responded. Afterward, the student’s vehicle keys were confiscated and the student was issued a referral for his actions, and took an Uber back to his residence.

On April 6 at 11:40 p.m., PS received a report that the residents in a room in Rensselaer House were involved in a physical alteration. PS responded to the location and discovered that the students had been separated. An investigation revealed that students had gotten into an argument while playing a videogame in the lounge of the room. After the situation was calm the students were issued referral to OCS.

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