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The Kardashian kondundrum

For the past few months, Kardashian fans have been biting their nails with anticipation as to why Kylie Jenner has been posting a very limited number of photos all over social media for the past nine months, especially full body photos, begging the question: was the 20-year-old pregnant this whole time? This past Sunday, we finally got our long-awaited announcement, and it wasn’t who won the Super Bowl.

Now, I’ve never so much as seen as episode of “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” but it’s hard not to keep up with the new information spilling into media outlets every week regarding whether or not she was pregnant. For one thing, she’s 20, and while she does have her own cosmetic line, everyone seems to be making her motherhood their business, as well as “what kind of image this sends out to younger viewers.” 

If you’re at that point in your maturity where you can be influenced to get pregnant because a celebrity is and it’s “cool now,” then I am confused and feel very sorry for you. Chances are, you could not fill a swimming pool with your money from your reality TV show – probably because you don’t have one – and there’s a lot more than taking cute Instagram selfies with a baby that goes along with being a parent. It is not a cute handbag you carry for a few months, it’s a human being. Who even knows if Jenner will make a good mother? Financial stability isn’t the only important thing when it comes to raising a decent human being. I do hope the general population doesn’t take this as a trend and run with it, but at this point, hope for humanity is fleeting. 

I do give her props for being able to hide her pregnancy for the full nine months, because that is a heavy secret to keep and not easily contained, especially with the speculation around it and her place in the celebrity limelight. But although Jenner claims on her Feb. 4 Instagram announcement that while there “was no gotcha moment, no big paid reveal” planned, she did announce the birth of her daughter (born Feb. 1) just before the Super Bowl. Obviously, she could have announced it that Saturday, or perhaps the Monday after the Super Bowl, but then again, why would she? She kept with the traditional Kardashian-style by drawing half of social media’s attention toward her (while the other half watched the Super Bowl) and away from poor Justin Timberlake, who just can’t seem to catch a break. But Jenner just can’t help herself; I mean, that’s what they do – they thrive on publicity. 

Just when you think that you’re finally done seeing every other article and update about her pregnancy theory, you’re now bombarded with the baby name theories, which of course have too many clues to ignore. Maybe Jenner will give her daughter a “K” name, or name it Mariposa as one Twitter user declared confidently – stating that Travis Scott’s song “Butterfly Effect,” as well as matching butterfly tattoos, necklaces and butterfly-themed nurseries would point to this conclusion. 

But even with all of these theories, we have no idea, but the fact that we don’t know and can’t help but reading these theories circling the media gives her exactly what she wants: more attention, which is only adding to the Kardashian/Jenner fame. I frequently ask myself how (and why) I even know all of this, but I suppose, like many, I’ve fallen into the trap. Well played, Kylie: You win this one.


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