All tagged protests

"Hofstra University, where I am a professor in the School of Education, was recently in the national news, largely thanks to exiled Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly. A Hofstra student posted a petition demanding that the university remove a statue of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, because he was a slave owner who sexually exploited an enslaved black teenager with whom he had a number of children – a woman and her children who he kept enslaved. Student groups participated in a university-sponsored forum where multiple positions were aired and over 100 students demonstrated in front of the statute demanding its removal on Friday, March 30."

"As the teacher’s strike in Oklahoma extends into a second week, people across the country are making their own opinions about which side of the strike they support. In reality, there should not be sides being taken at all. Teachers, the hard-working people who are literally shaping the minds of the future, believe they should be making a fair wage and receiving enough funding to properly run their classrooms. I struggle to see any problem with that."

"Several superintendents and administrators recently expressed disapproval about the upcoming National Walkout on Wednesday, March 14, including a superintendent of a Texas school district. 

Needville Independent School District Superintendent (IDS) Curtis Rhodes, in a now-deleted Facebook post, said any type of protest or demonstration during school hours will result in a three-day school suspension and all the associated consequences.