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Public Safety Briefs

Public Safety Briefs

On Feb. 3, a student reported to PS that an incident had occurred sometime between 11 p.m. on Feb. 2 and 3 a.m. on Feb. 3. The student stated that she had received several disturbing messages from a male Hofstra student, the boyfriend of her roommate. The student contacted her RD and then reported this incident to PS. Further investigation is being conducted into this matter.

On Feb. 3 at 9:25 p.m., an RA noticed the odor of marijuana emanating from a room in Suffolk Hall. PS responded and keyed into the room. The resident was present and a small glass jar and plastic bag of marijuana were visible in the room. The smoke detector was covered with a plastic bag and there were towels rolled up at the bottom of the door. The items were confiscated and the student was issued a violation for drug and fire safety.

On Feb. 3 at 11:22 p.m., PS received a report that an odor of marijuana was emanating from a room inside Enterprise Hall. PS responded and upon entering the room found the resident inside. The room smelled strongly of marijuana and a black grinder was confiscated. The resident admitted to smoking inside the room.

On Feb. 3 11:15 p.m., while on duty an RA noticed the odor of marijuana emanating from a room in Suffolk Hall. PS responded and upon entering the room two students and two students and two non-students were present. There was a strong odor inside the room and when questioned, all four males admitted to smoking. A vapor device was confiscated and the students were issued referrals to OCS. The non-students were banned from campus.

On Feb. 4 at 11:10 p.m., an RSR assigned to Stuyvesant Hall reported to PS that two males were verbally abusing her. The males were banging on the security window. PS responded and identified the males as one Hofstra student and one guest. They were issued referrals to OCS and both students apologized to the RSR for their actions.

On Feb. 5 at 8:20 p.m., an RA in Jamestown House reported to PS that there was a loud argument coming from a room in the building. PS responded and a male resident reported that his ex-girlfriend, also a Hofstra student, verbally abused him after he had asked her to leave. PS calmed the situation and escorted the female out of the room. She was issued a referral to OCS for verbal abuse.

On Feb. 5 at 11 p.m., a PS officer assigned to the security booth at the main entrance to the North Campus, observed a vehicle drive past the booth at a high speed. The vehicle failed to stop at two stop signs. The PS dispatcher was notified and responded. A search of the North Campus was conducted and the vehicle was found in the Nassau/Suffolk parking lot. The operator of the vehicle was identified as a Hofstra student and was issued a referral to OCS for reckless driving.



PS – Public Safety

RD – Resident Director

RSR – Resident Safety Representative

OCS – Office of Community Standards


Student wins second L.I. Regional Scripps Spelling Bee

Student wins second L.I. Regional Scripps Spelling Bee

Gender neutral housing to be offered this fall.

Gender neutral housing to be offered this fall.