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Public Safety Briefs

Public Safety Briefs

On Jan. 29, a faculty member reported damage to his vehicle. Upon returning to his car that had been parked by James M. Shuart Stadium, he noticed key marks scratched across the vehicle. There were no witnesses. The NCPD was notified.

On Jan. 29, a student reported damage to his vehicle. The car had been parked in the Maurice A. Deane School of Law parking lot at 10:15 a.m. When he returned at 2:50 p.m., he discovered that the front passenger side wall had been dented by another car. There were no witnesses and police assistance was declined at the time of report.

On Jan. 29, a staff member reported damage to her vehicle. She stated that she had parked her car at 6:50 a.m. in the law school parking lot. Upon returning at 3 p.m., she discovered a dent on the front side of her bumper. There were no witnesses and police assistance was declined at the time of report.

On Feb. 1, a student reported that his vehicle had been damaged sometime between Jan. 26 and Jan. 31. The student had parked his vehicle at the rear of Constitution Hall, and upon returning on Feb. 1, he discovered that a windshield wiper was broken and missing. Police assistance was declined at the time of report.

KEY: NCDP- Nassau County Police Department


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