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Public Safety Briefs 4/6/18

Public Safety Briefs 4/6/18

On March 30 at 3:25 p.m., a PS officer observed a student riding a skateboard across the Student Center unispan. When the officer attempted to stop the student, the student ignored the officer and continued skating. PS called for assistance and the student was eventually stopped. During an interview with the officers, the student continued to use profanity while verbally abusing the officers. The student was issued a referral to OCS for failing to comply.

On March 31 at 2 a.m., an RSR assigned to Nassau/Suffolk Hall reported that she found the ID card of a banned student inside the check box. PS responded and conducted a search of the building. The banned student was found, escorted out of the building and issued a referral to OCS for failing to comply.

On March 31 at 11 a.m., a Compass manager in the Student Center cafeteria observed a student place a drink in a bag and leave without paying for it. PS responded and the student was stopped and issued a referral to OCS for larceny theft.

On April 2 at 11:30 a.m., an RSR reported to PS that a male followed a student into Salem House without swiping an ID. PS responded to the location and identified the male as a Hofstra student who was visiting another student in the building. The host and the visitor were both issued referrals to OCS for violating the identification policy.

On April 2 at 11 p.m., an RA in Alliance Hall reported a strong odor of marijuana emanating from one of the resident rooms. PS responded and upon entering the room, found two residents and three properly identified guests. There was a strong odor of marijuana coming from the room, but no marijuana was recovered. The residents of the room were issued referrals to OCS for drug abuse violations.

On April 4 at 7 p.m., an RSR assigned to Colonial Square West observed a male smoking marijuana outside of the RSR booth. PS responded and the individual smoking began to walk away. PS stopped the individual who was identified as a Hofstra student. The student was issued a referral to OCS and the marijuana was confiscated.


 PS- Public Safety

OCS- Office of Community Standards

RSR- Resident Safety Representative

RA- Resident Assistant

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