

Welcome to the official, independent student-run newspaper of Hofstra University!

Senior send-off: Something worth remembering

Senior send-off: Something worth remembering

I’ve grown with this paper for four years now. The Chronicle has allowed me to learn more at Hofstra than I ever could in a classroom. The opportunity to work with this paper made me become a better writer, leader and friend.

I truly believe that it is because of this paper that I am a better journalist. While I respect the professors here, they couldn’t teach me how to actually get out there and report. It was like taking swim lessons on dry land. The Chronicle threw me into the deep end and I never looked back.

To any School of Communication students at Hofstra, I truly believe that if you are not a part of The Chronicle you are cheating yourself. When I joined my freshman year, I’d never written an article in my life. Four years later, I can’t even count how many articles I have published.

I had no idea what I was doing or what I was getting myself into so long ago, but it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made.

I highly recommend getting involved, not only for the experience, but because it will allow you to meet and become friends with accepting, supportive and talented people.

To those talented people, I must say thank you. Anyone that I’ve worked with these past few years, I thank you for allowing me to learn with you on my journey with The Chronicle. To this year’s staff, I love you all.Thank you for trusting me to be your managing editor. There were a few moments where I doubted myself, but I knew you trusted me. Thank you for believing in me; I hope I proved you right.

Thank you for listening to your crazy, outspoken managing editor. I hope that I’ve inspired you, as those before me inspired me, to do what is best for this community and this paper despite any obstacles you might face. There is much more that needs to be done, but I trust that the people spending their Monday nights in Room 203 of the Student Center are the best for the job.

I’ve been proud to call The Chronicle, “my paper.” Sadly for me, it is all yours now. The e-board of this paper is changing greatly, but it is stronger than ever. I firmly believe you are ready to improve this paper in ways I couldn’t, even if you don’t know it yourself yet.

To the Hofstra community, this paper is yours more than it will ever be ours. These days the media is seen as largely untrustworthy. I beg you, put your faith in student-run newspapers. I firmly believe that regardless of who you are, what you’ve done or where you come from, The Chronicle will listen to you objectively. They are here to listen to you and inform you. They will do so objectively because in many ways, they are you. The Chronicle is your weapon, your voice.

To those that have time left to give to The Chronicle, whether it be as a community member, staff member or editor, give it your all. I promise you this paper will give you more than you will ever give it.


Public Safety Briefs 5/8

Public Safety Briefs 5/8

Senior send-off: It’s worth it

Senior send-off: It’s worth it