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Student Health Services holds flu vaccine clinics for students

Student Health Services holds flu vaccine clinics for students

Photo courtesy Michael Richardson.

In preparation for flu season, Student Health Services has been hosting a free flu vaccine clinic for students. The first round of walk-in appointments ran from Wednesday, Oct. 6, through Thursday, Oct. 14, behind Hofstra USA, where current Hofstra students received the flu vaccine.

“I was in and out in 15 minutes,” said Aaron Gutterman, a freshman drama major, who was pleased with his overall flu shot experience.

Other students also reported a smooth process when receiving their flu shots.

“It was pretty quick and easy,” said Lucas Pepin, a junior television production and studies major. “I just walked in, and I filled out a form and I got the shot.”

According to Executive Director of Student Health Services Robert Stahl, the number of on-campus vaccinations this year is similar to last year’s number, but the COVID-19 pandemic increased awareness of vaccination overall.

“While there’s no change to the way in which we administer the flu vaccine, we are certainly seeing increased interest in vaccination and other ways to keep healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic and flu season,” Stahl said. “I think people have more awareness of immunizations now and measures they can do to protect their own health.”

Several students indicated that they felt Hofstra could have done a better job advertising the flu clinics.

“If it weren’t for my friend I would not have known [about the flu clinic],” said Franz Maurrasse, a senior mechanical engineering major.

Jacob Levine, a freshman journalism major, felt that there could have been more people administering the vaccine.

“The lack of staff definitely delayed other people’s time,” Levine said, who added that only one person was administering the vaccine when he arrived at the clinic. “I had to wait 20 minutes to get my shot.”

Student Health Services said that there will be future walk-in flu clinics, although the dates have not been finalized. In the meantime, students can receive a flu shot by making an appointment with Student Health Services.

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