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The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Public Safety Briefs

Hofstra Chronicle November 17, 2017

Compiled by Taylor Rose Clarke On Nov. 5 at 11:25 p.m., a fire alarm was activated in Constitution Hall. While conducting a search of the building, PS found two residents who failed to evacuate. Both...

Public Safety Briefs

Hofstra Chronicle November 8, 2017

Compiled by Taylor Rose Clarke  On Oct. 28 at 8:30 p.m., PS responded to reports that the odor of marijuana was emanating from a room in the Netherlands. The student was issued a referral to OCS....

Public Safety Briefs

Hofstra Chronicle November 1, 2017

Compiled by Taylor Rose Clarke On Oct. 20 at 2:15 p.m., a student reported damage to a vehicle parked in Lot 6A. The student stated that there was damage to the front bumper. No witnesses were present....

Public Safety Briefs

Hofstra Chronicle October 28, 2017

Compiled by Ava Mandel and Taylor Rose Clarke On Oct. 13, a student residing in the Netherlands reported to PS that she has been involved in an ongoing harassment dispute with one of her suitemates...

Public Safety Briefs 10/10/17

Hofstra Chronicle October 12, 2017

On Oct. 2 at 11:30 p.m., a student reported a disagreement to PS. The disagreement involved the student’s roommate and two suitemates. The student stated that she was having difficulty with them...

Public Safety Briefs

Brianna O’Keefe March 16, 2017

On March 3 at 10:00 p.m., a RA in the Graduate Residence Hall reported a party in one of the suites to PS. PS personnel responded entered the room and found there was an odor of marijuana. PS officers...

Public Safety Briefs

Brianna O’Keefe February 17, 2017

On Feb. 3, a student reported to PS that someone had entered her unlocked vehicle in the Netherlands South parking lot. She discovered several things were thrown from the console. Nothing appeared stolen...

Public Safety Briefs 11/8

Brianna O’Keefe November 9, 2016

On Oct 31, at 9:20 p.m., PS responded to a report of an alcohol violation in Stuyvesant Hall. On Oct 31, at 10:30 p.m., PS responded to a report of marijuana in Enterprise Hall. On Nov 1, at 1:50...

Public Safety Briefs – 10/25

Brianna O’Keefe October 24, 2016

On Oct. 14, at 7:30 p.m., A male student came to PS reporting that he was physically struck by another Hofstra student. The matter was referred to the dean of the Office of Community Standards. On...

Public Safety Briefs – 10/11

Brianna O’Keefe October 11, 2016

On Oct. 1, at 2:15 a.m., PS responded to an activated fire alarm in Enterprise Hall. A search of the building was conducted and it was discovered that the use of a vaporizer in a room had caused the...

Public Safety Briefs – 9/27

Brianna O’Keefe September 27, 2016

On Sept. 22 at 9:00 p.m., While on patrol, PS officers observed a taxi stopped near Hofstra Northern Boulevard and Hofstra Boulevard. They then observed an individual flee from the taxi running toward...

Public Safety Briefs – 9/20

Brianna O’Keefe September 20, 2016

On Sept. 9 at 12:55 a.m., PS responded to the report that there was an odor of marijuana in Enterprise Hall. PS knocked on the door but there was no answer. PS supervisor responded, keyed into the room...

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Public Safety Briefs