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The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Club Spotlight: Tabletop Gamers Club

Austin Woolman October 10, 2016

Before there were iPhone apps, video games or computers, one of the best ways to spend time with friends and families was playing board games. Few things were better than gathering around loved ones...

Let’s make it through finals alive

Austin Woolman April 26, 2016

It’s that time of year again: The time of year when you find your dorm littered with empty cans of Red Bull and fast food trash. The time of year when you are hunched over your desk in the middle...

Fashion mash-up: Africa meets Japan

Hofstra Chronicle April 19, 2016

By Austin Woolman SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE Hofstra will host the first Africa Meets Japan fashion show on Wednesday, April 27. The show, as the name suggests, will feature an array of outfits that are...

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