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The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

We live in a society…

Chris Gardner May 1, 2018

“Democracy has been at risk for some time, and now it’s being brought to our attention by one of our closest allies.”

Spain’s 317 days without government explained

Casey Lamkin November 9, 2016

Alicia Gil-Torres, a journalism professor from the University of Valladolid in Spain, spoke with students and faculty on Nov. 2 about how Spain survived without a government for 317 days. The presentation,...

Day of Dialogue sparks activism across campus

Danny Nikander November 1, 2016

No facet of war or governance is comparable to the influential power of voice. Society’s progression is often marked by those who courageously speak out for the extensive line of people that share...

Elections and a referendum: Catalans deserve to vote

Hofstra Chronicle April 28, 2015

By Marta Penas Mur SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE On April 15, 2015, Antònia Casellas, professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, gave a lecture at Hofstra University on Catalonia’s...

Small town matters

Cody Heintz September 20, 2012

Voting is not only a right but is also one of the most important tenants of any democracy. Voting is one of the few ways that we can participate in our democracy. Whether that be directly through propositions...

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