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Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Hof Takes with Laurel OKeefe: Bullying Parkland survivors perpetuates fake news

Laurel O'Keefe - MANAGING EDITOR April 3, 2018

"The fake reports surrounding these survivors are plentiful, and whichever side you are on it is your responsibility to fact check. What is painfully ironic about these fabricated posts is that they are shared by a large number of Donald Trump supporters, who are easy to back Trumps attack on fake news."

Think Again: Let them speak: mental health and mass shootings

Angelica Beneke February 28, 2018

"It was my freshman year of high school. Nov. 1, 2010. I remember sitting in a row towards the back in the dimly lit theater when the news was announced. One of the seniors had been shot over the weekend at a Halloween house party and died shortly after in Ben Taub Hospital in Houston, Texas. There would be counseling services available throughout the day to anyone who needed them and funeral arrangements would be announced shortly.

We need gun control before we lose control

Delilah Gray February 28, 2018

"As of Feb. 21, there have already been 34 mass shootings in 2018, 18 of which were school shootings, and people still dont think we need gun control. Hundreds of citizens are now on a mission to finally change the U.S.s corrupt system after the horrendous shooting in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. How many more people must die before President Donald Trump realizes that mental illness isnt the problem, its really the overabundance of guns in this country?"

America’s gun-undrum

Alissa Anderson February 21, 2018

On Feb. 14, a former student went into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, and killed 17 people. In response, President Donald Trump tweeted that no child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school. That would be a nice sentiment, but the problem is that this was the 18th school shooting in the United States in 2018. The problem is that no one is surprised when these shootings occur. The problem is that nothing ever changes.

Remember the heroes names, not the shooters

Hofstra Chronicle October 13, 2015

By Alexi CohanSTAFF WRITER Mass shootings in the United States happen every two weeks. In Germany, there has not been a single mass shooting since 2009, when guns became unavailable for citizens to...

The Party Line: Students For Liberty Take a Stance on Gun Control

Hofstra Chronicle October 13, 2015

By Brett LinleySPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE The tragic shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon brought gun control into the national spotlight again. Following yet another horrific shooting,...

The Party Line: College Republicans Take a Stance on Gun Control

Hofstra Chronicle October 13, 2015

By Johannes SortoSPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE It seems that two to three times a year we hear news reports that there is a mass shooting. These events occur so often that we have gotten used to them and...

The Party Line: Democrats of Hofstra Take a Stance on Gun Control

Hofstra Chronicle October 13, 2015

By Melissa KoenigSPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE So far in 2015, there have been 10,175 deaths and 20,682 people injured as the result of gun violence in the United States. There have been 266 mass shootings...

New regulations, same racket

Hofstra Chronicle April 18, 2013

By Dion J. Pierre Columnist On Wednesday, new gun control regulations that would have banned assault weapons, sale of large gun magazines and extended background checks of gun buyers failed to achieve...

Gun control: sans health concerns, useless

Hofstra Chronicle February 14, 2013

By Ben SuazoNews Editor Its been nearly two months since Sandy Hook Elementary became a tragic event in our recent history and yet we are being distracted with talks of new gun control laws. Even if...

Mentally ill stigmatized as future threats

Hofstra Chronicle February 14, 2013

By John ThomasSpecial to the Chronicle In a speech made ten days after the Sandy Hook massacre, National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre asked, How many more copycats are waiting...

Harsher gun laws unnecessary

Hofstra Chronicle September 27, 2012

By Ronnie OLeary Columnist In the wake of the Colorado movie theater massacre, some people have started advocating the consideration of stricter gun laws. Even Antonin Scalia, a Supreme Court justice...

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