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Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Lecture Highlights Relation Between Religion and Politics

Hofstra Chronicle November 17, 2017

By Drashti Mehta Special to The Chronicle Students, faculty and attending guests gathered in Barnard Hall on Monday, Nov. 6, for the lecture “Abendland in Christian Hands – Right-Wing Politics...

Symposium talks race, religion and activism

Andrea Bilton October 11, 2016

Issues of racial and religious discrimination within society were highlighted in a symposium called “Race and Religion in the Americas: New Directions of Thought and Activism,” which was...

Ann Neumann advocates for ‘Right to Die’

Hofstra Chronicle October 14, 2015

By Katie KrahulikSpecial to the Chronicle On Thursday night, philosopher, author and established journalist Ann Neumann spoke to students, administrators and locals in the Multipurpose Room, advocating...

Hofstra holds viewing party for Pope’s U.S. visit

Hofstra Chronicle September 29, 2015

By Alexi CohanSTAFF WRITER If you couldn’t make it to see the pope in person last week, you could have watched his speeches with other members of the Hofstra community, as part of a viewing party...

Making room for God: Why Hofstra needs space for worship

Hofstra Chronicle March 17, 2015

By Sean Grealy SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE If you take a walk on the campus of any major college or university in the United States, you will notice some universal buildings that each one offers. There...

Losing our religion: Study suggests growing agnostic demographic among young adults

Hofstra Chronicle February 5, 2014

By Elizabeth ClementeSpecial To the Chronicle If you type the phrase “self-involved millenials” into Google, you will come up with 574,000 results in half a second. The numerous links lead...

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