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Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra Concerts hosts #NoDAPL anti-Thanksgiving concert

Hofstra Chronicle December 6, 2017

By Marissa Matozzo Excitement was in the air for most students the week leading up toThanksgiving as they prepared to return to their various hometowns. As the four-day November break approached, conventional...

Thanks (& Giving) Project promotes intercommunity appreciation

Michael Ortiz December 7, 2015

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, the Hofstra community is giving thanks through the 1,000 Thanks (& Giving) Project, through the encouragement of Hofstra Hillel. In its ninth consecutive...

Black Friday Madness: Shop till you drop without the stress

Hofstra Chronicle November 18, 2014

By Jenna Grasso Staff Writer Black Friday is the craziest shopping day of the year for the most part. Trying to get a jumpstart on the holiday shopping brings a multitude of people to the shopping malls...

Coupon Corner: Survival of the smartest

Amanda Valentovic November 18, 2014

By Amanda Valentovic Staff Writer Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and along with all of the food and family comes another annual tradition – Black Friday. For those who want to get a...

Duck out for Turkey Day

Hofstra Chronicle November 22, 2013

By Kristen MisakSpecial to the Chronicle It’s almost Thanksgiving, which for many students means visiting home for the first time this year. Plenty of students are considering skipping classes...

Letter to the Editor: On the meaning of Chanukah

Hofstra Chronicle November 22, 2013

This year, American Jews will experience a once-in-a-lifetime event: celebrating the first day of Chanukah and Thanksgiving on the same day. How often does the convergence of these beloved holidays...

Thanksgivukkah brings the holidays a new meaning

Hofstra Chronicle November 21, 2013

By Jana Kaplan Features Editor "Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay. And when it’s dry and ready, oh football I will play." You heard it right: get your turkey and your latkes ready,...

Making memories and keeping traditions alive on Thanksgiving

Amanda Valentovic November 21, 2013

By Amanda Valentovic Staff Writer While Thanksgiving is a day for being thankful for what we have, it is also a day full of tradition. From watching football and “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving”...

Keeping your health in check on Thanksgiving

Hofstra Chronicle November 21, 2013

By Danielle Denenberg Staff Writer Thanksgiving is around the corner and we all know what that means: an abundance of food, perhaps prepared by the best cook in the family. For those of you who are...

From Thanksgiving to Christmas: Get through the holidays

Hofstra Chronicle November 29, 2012

By Sophia Strawser Assistant Features Editor Every year Thanksgiving and the winter holidays seem fly by without even a moment to enjoy them. That can all change this holiday season, when...

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