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The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle

Hofstra University's Newspaper of Record

The Hofstra Chronicle


Student board approved to work alongside Title IX

Melanie Haid May 8, 2018

Recent movements and a shift in the political climate have raised many questions about discrimination and abuse, inspiring Hofstra students to further integrate themselves into the Title IX initiative. Beginning in fall 2018, Hofstra will have a student-led Title IX Advisory Board that will coordinate with university administration, placing special emphasis on Title IX training for leadership positions on campus such as Resident Assistants and Orientation Leaders.

Public not-so-Safety


“Hofstra has a long, long way to go before this campus can be considered a truly safe space, not just for survivors, but for all of us.”


‘Monument Quilt’ honors survivors

Nicole Boucher April 17, 2018

Hofstra’s chapter of It’s On Us spent last week tabling in the Student Center with blank quilt squares that students could use to write messages of support for survivors of sexual assault.

Hofstra Title IX policy unchanged by DeVos’ decision

Hofstra Chronicle September 27, 2017

By Samantha Storms Assistant Arts and Entertainment Editor Universities will be allowed to choose between two standards of proof in determining the outcome of Title IX cases after Secretary of Education...

Title IX transition sparks questions about transparency

Laurel OKeefe April 18, 2017

By Laurel O’Keefe and Katie Krahulik NEWS EDITOR / ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Hofstra’s former Title IX Coordinator Lara Nochomovitz resigned from her position in March after her title was...

Trump rescinds Obama-era transgender protections

Hofstra Chronicle March 7, 2017

By: Joshua Ringler and Samantha Storms Last week, President Donald Trump rescinded a letter that former President Barack Obama sent to educational institutions in 2016 which declared that the provisions...

Women’s Soccer’s Radwan sues University of Connecticut over loss of scholarship

Kevin Carroll December 20, 2016

Hofstra women’s soccer junior midfielder Noriana Radwan, a transfer from the University of Connecticut, appeared at the office of her lawyer on Monday to formally file a lawsuit against her former...

Federal legislation changes annual safety report

Hofstra Chronicle October 6, 2015

By Marisa RussellNews Editor On Oct. 1, the 2015 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report was released to the Hofstra community. The compilation of issues contains instances from 2012-2014 and is published...

Hofstra hires first full-time Title IX coordinator

Hofstra Chronicle September 29, 2015

By Elyse CarmosinoSTAFF WRITER Among a number of administrative changes with the start of the 2015-2016 school year, Hofstra University decided to do what many other universities have not done yet – ...

Students concerned with on-campus sexual harassment

Hofstra Chronicle December 2, 2014

By Elizabeth MerinoARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR According to a 2013 Stop Street Harassment nationwide survey, “65 percent of all women had experienced street harassment. Among all women,...

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