By Julia Gardiner
A University student on reported April 12 that she parked her vehicle in parking field 6A, near the softball field, and upon her return discovered the driver’s side window had been pried open and her car radio was stolen. The Nassau County Police Department was contacted.
A University student was issued a summons and transported to Nassau Medical Center to be treated on April 12 after punching his fist through the glass stairwell door on the fourth floor of Nassau Hall.
A University student was issued a summons for the actions of her guest. Non-student James Cunningham, 22, was banned for illegally entering Twin Oaks and after he was found hiding in a closet from a public safety officer on April 12.
A University staff member who was placing books on shelves in the Axinn Library fell on April 13 and became trapped, requiring the assistance of public safety officials to get free, but refused medical attention.
During a lacrosse game on April 14 at James Shuart Stadium, two non-students who were wearing security uniforms illegally entered the stadium. The men, Thomas Karlya, 18, and Vincent Conwell, 21, were banned from campus.
A University student reported on April 18 that he was sitting in his vehicle in the parking lot of Liberty Hall when another vehicle struck his and fled the scene. The Nassau County Police Department was notified.
A University student who had previously filed a report that her iPod was stolen discovered the missing iPod in her roommate’s desk. The second student was issued a summons on April 19 and the Nassau County Police Department was notified.
A University student was issued an appearance summons on April 19 after parking her vehicle in parking field 2 with a handicapped sticker that belonged to a male that was born in 1927. There was a boot placed on the vehicle and the permit was confiscated and returned to the issuing agency.
A University student reported on April 19 that while attending a lecture in Monroe Hall, he left his mp3 player and headphones unattended. When he returned to get them, they were missing.
A University student reported on April 19 that after returning to her vehicle in parking field 7, she discovered that her Sirius satellite radio was missing.
A University student reported receiving harassing phone calls from a female caller and her roommate with whom she is having an ongoing dispute on April 20.
A University professor reported returning to his vehicle parked in the Weller Hall lot to discover the rear windshield broken in two places on April 20.
A University student was issued a summons on April 21 for removing a boot from his vehicle and placing it in the roadway.
A University student was issued a summons on April 21 after a police officer from Western Connecticut State University notified public safety that on April 20, the student had made a harassing phone call to a student at WCSU.
A University student reported on April 21 that $250 in cash was stolen from her room in Constitution Hall while she was out. The Nassau county Police Department was notified.
A University student was issued a summons on April 21 for keeping a dog in a small crate in a closet in Hague House.
A University student was issued a summons on April 22 for possession of marijuana in Netherlands North, Rotterdam House.
Two University students reported on April 22 that someone entered their unlocked room in Constitution Hall while they were out and removed two cameras.
A University student was issued a summons on April 22 in Hague House for possession of alcohol.
A University student was issued a summons at a toga party on April 22 after entering Hofstra USA through the exit door and verbally abusing public safety officers when confronted.
A University student reported on April 25 that while the room door was open and a friend was sleeping in her bed, her laptop and camera were stolen from her room in Vander Poel Hall.
A University student reported on April 24 that as she was moving out of her room in Nassau Hall, she was harassed by her former roommate, who will be issued an appearance summons.
Two University students were issued summonses on April 25 for disorderly conduct and verbal abuse to a public safety officer at the Adams Playhouse after having a physical alteration during a concert.
Four University students were issued summonses on April 26 for underage drinking in Alliance Hall.
Five University students were issued summonses on April 26 for underage drinking in Dover House.
Two University students were issued summonses on April 26 after engaging in a verbal altercation in Enterprise Hall.
A previously banned non-student, Anthony Mency, 25, was found trespassing on April 26 and escorted off the campus by public safety. The Nassau County Police Department was notified.