By Brittany Levenbrown
Less Than Jake is a pop/punk/ska band that has been around since 1993. No matter their age, they still seem to be in touch with their teenage listeners and their large fan base. This is not very common for a band that has been around for over a decade; to put out the same quality of music as they did in the beginning, but they have. Nonetheless, Less Than Jake has still grown and matured over the years, and that is evident in the topics that they have brought up in their music.
However, their music genre has pretty much stayed consistent over the years. On their last album, Anthem, the band came out with a pop punk melody and did not concentrate as much on a ska sound. Their new CD, B Is For B-Sides, goes back to sounding more like their older music, particularly Hello Rockview, released in 1998 and Losing Streak, released two years earlier. This is the 11th album that Less Than Jake has released and it still maintains an upbeat, fun sound that is great to rock out to.
Less Than Jake scooped up a dozen European B-Sides and previously unreleased cuts to form B Is For B-Sides. Technically, this is their older music, because the CD is full of previously unreleased tracks, but since the songs had not been publicly distributed before, they are new to their fans. These new tracks maintain the catchy sounds and upbeat tempo that usually made the band’s older songs fun to listen to.
As always, Less Than Jake seems to come up with unique titles for their songs. The first song on Be Is For B-Sides is “Portrait of A Cigarette Smoker at 19.” This song pulls you right in with its familiar, yet refreshing, instrumentals and tempo. There’s the double-time “Jay Frenzal,” which really catches the listener’s ear with its sing-along chorus and fast beat. They even give a bit of social commentary towards self-loathing on “Sobriety Is a Serious Business, And Business Isn’t So Good.” The last track on the record is their dream-skewering “National Anthem,” and it is not to be missed.
This album demonstrates why the band has been around for so long, and retains its strong fan base. This CD full of poppy ska is something that is great for all Less Than Jake Fans, whether new or old. Rush out to your nearest store or jump onto iTunes because B Is For B-Sides should not be missed.