Everyone makes mistakes.
This cliché is true for all, but it is a bit different for journalists. Their mistakes are published and distributed for a greater audience. On top of one’s personal embarrassment is the problem of the misinformed readers who picked up that newspaper.
Any given day, page A2 of The New York Times reveals that no newspaper is perfect. The paper lists many corrections for errors that were the result of bad information found during research and interviews, or carelessness and oversight. In the case of former Times reporter Jayson Blair, facts were downright made-up to make articles more interesting, but a malicious disregard for the truth such as Blair’s is rarely the case.
Sometimes mistakes in articles are added by the editors. Ironic really, how editing can result in an article being less clear and accurate than it was when the reporter submitted it. But it happens.
In the last issue of The Chronicle, on this page, an error was made, which The Chronicle wishes to acknowledge and correct.
The editorial “Unsurprising Salary” read “[University President Stuart Rabinowitz’s] compensation is equal to approximately the tuition of 54 undergraduates.”
The first error made was failing to acknowledge that the aforementioned number was relating the president’s salary to semesterly tuition rather than annual tuition. But this page further screwed the pooch. Due to some temporary dyslexia, a number that should have read 45 came out 54.
So now, for the record, here is the correct math:
President Rabinowitz’s compensation for fiscal year 2005-06 was-according to The Chronicle of Higher Education-$584,478, which is equal to the annual tuition of 22.7 undergraduates.
As The Chronicle of Hofstra University continues to improve, mistakes will still be made. The Chronicle wishes to acknowledge those errors, rather than brush them under the rug. If you notice a factual error that made it to print, please take five minutes to send an e-mail to [email protected] so a correction may be printed. You may also call the editor-in-chief at (516) 463-6921.