By Compiled By Julia Gardiner
-Two University students were issued summonses on April 23 for verbal abuse and harassment after an altercation between roommates.
-A University student was issued a summons on April 24 in Vander Poel Hall for slapping another person in the face.
-A University student reported on April 24 that someone broke into the passenger side of her car and removed a purse, $300, and a laptop near the Dome.
-A University student reported on April 24 that her clothes were thrown around her room and her area trashed in Williamsburg House.
-A University student was issued a summons after a Dante Stevenson was found in Bill of Rights hall after having been previously banned from campus on April 25.
-A University student was issued a summons near Colonial Square for disruptive condition and failure to comply after the individual was found banging irrationally on the hood of a car on April 25.
-A University student reported on April 25 that another student struck the side of her vehicle while it was parked near Colonial Square causing a long scratch and damage.
-A University student reported on April 25 that someone threatened her over a parking space near Breslin Hall.
-A University student was issued a summons on April 25 after moving equipment around the recreation center without the authority to do so.
-A University student reported on April 26 that she parked her vehicle near Vander Poel Hall and returned to find the inside sprayed with shaving cream.
-A University student reported on April 26 near Bill of Rights Hall that a vehicle struck hers, causing damage, before leaving the scene.
-A Public Safety officer observed on April 27 a small fire on the intramural fields. It was extinguished quickly.
-A University student was banned from campus after he verbally threatened to harm a group of students on April 27.
-A University student was issued a summons on April 28 for harassing an employee of Dutch Treats.
-A University student reported on April 28 that someone struck her vehicle, caused damage, and left the scene of the incident near the Saltzman Center.
-A University student reported leaving his cell phone in the Student Center on April 28 while he went to the bathroom and returned to find it had gone missing.
-Four University students were issued summonses on April 29 in Dover House for possession of drug paraphernalia.
-A University Public Safety officer reported on April 29 that someone had damaged the main door of Delft House.
-A University student reported on April 29 near Hofstra USA that her front handicap license plate was removed.
-A University student reported that a red backpack containing a digital camera was taken from her vehicle on April 29 while parked in the Netherlands.
-A University student reported that someone removed an iPod from her vehicle while parked in the Netherlands lot on April 29.
-A University student was issued a summons on April 29 in Constitution Hall for possession of a marijuana pipe.
-A University student reported on April 29 in New York House that someone threw a lit firecracker into her room.
-A University student was issued a summons on April 30 in Utrecht House for violation of copyright laws.
-Five University students were issued summonses on April 30 in Norwich House for violation of copyright laws.