By David Gibb
Even if a guy’s punches cant hurt you apparently you can still lose a fight. Ask Roy Jones Jr. because he just did it this weekend. Still baffled? You shouldn’t be because when you stop trying after the first round and don’t throw any punches there is no possible way you can win a fight.
Effort it is a magical thing and lack of effort well it is about as distractive as a nuclear warhead and the lack of effort in this fight made it one of the most disappoint sports events I have seen since the NHL lockout.
The dancing might have been impressive for the first few minutes but it got tired faster than a baby with a warm bottle. Jones refused to punch and Calzaghe seemed more than happy to cost to victory. The whole thing actually seemed like it was set up and the 50-50 money split would push me that way but I would like to believe people from Whales are noble and I am not a fan of conspiracy theories.
In all honesty the fight just left me hoping for more. It was more of a piss poor sparing session with two friends better suited for a basement ala Rocky vs Apollo Creed at the end of Rocky III. Having to watch all 12 rounds because Calzaghe was incapable of knocking out Jones made it all the worse.
If the punches weren’t hurting Jones why wouldn’t he just swing away like most boxers would have. Maybe the cut over Jones’ eye bothered him but he stopped swinging way before his eye opened up. IT seemed as if he didn’t care and when he didn’t end it with a power punch early he didn’t want to throw any more punches but just wanted to make it to the end of the night. IT was terrible and boxing owes there fans a fight that would make up for this debacle.
I would like to see Calzaghe fight again and prove he is as good as it seems. I wanted to believe it would be against Kelly Pavlik but he got his face beat in by Bernard Hopkins and I wouldn’t be against a Hopkins rematch but I doubt it will happen. The first fight had a questionable decision and a second one would be good for the sport and good for Calzaghe to prove his merit.
If that doesn’t happen Calzaghe should fight Ricky Hatton at some sort of neutral weight they both agree on. No belts will be up for grabs but who really cares. The two pugalists would at the very least stand in the center of the ring like Rock ’em Sock ’em Robots and try to bash each other to pieces. Hatton would whallop the body while Calzaghe cat punched the head. If throwing a million punches is what boxing is scoring on this would be the epitimy.
Better yet PRETTY BOY FLOYD MONEY MAYWEATHER please come back and save boxing. Pretty please come back and beat every last one of these jokers. For all that is good in the world please come back and knock out Calzaghe before everyone stops watching the sport.