By Lisa DiCarlucci
Everyone’s favorite (or most-hated, depending on who you ask) heiress has taken another small jump into the political world with her latest music video, “Paris for President.”
Hilton released a previous video which was a parody/response to a John McCain ad that likened Barack Obama to the brand of celebrity that Hilton is herself. Taking it one step further on Sunday, released this new video, a ridiculous musical campaign ad complete with backup singers, rhinestones and all.
The video begins with the clicking of heels, Paris behind a podium and three tall, dark and handsome men in tuxedos chanting “Paris for President” in front of an American flag backdrop. Flash to Paris, sitting on a lounge chair sipping a martini in a sparkling red, white and blue bathing suit where the first lines out of her mouth are “Paris for President/at the Palms sipping a martini/Paris for President/I’ll be your commander-in-bikini”. Fear not, this is hardly the most-ridiculous part of the song.
The scariest part, however, is probably the amount of slightly intelligent content. Between lines about painting the White House pink and sexual dance moves, Paris manages to suggest green energy alternatives and ratifying the Kyoto protocol. Don’t be too quick to assume that Paris came up with the lyrics on her own, but in many ways, the video is refreshing in comparison to the mudslinging and derogatory campaigning which has taken place between Obama and McCain.
Hilton even manages to take a few swings at the Republican Party amidst the silliness. Of the few props in the video, there is a stuffed pig with red lipstick which sits on Paris’ presidential desk as she sings, “If you’re going to put lipstick on a pig/make sure it matches her skin tone.”
And if you were worried that Hilton might not be intelligent enough for the job, she eases our concerns with, “Look at Bush/it can’t be that hard.”
Whether Paris’ statements are legitimate, and whether or not it’s her place to comment on politics, is probably a big fat NO. The concept of “Paris for President” is completely ridiculous and altogether entertaining, but there is something about this video that makes you appreciate the intelligence of the real candidates.
The video is clearly just for fun, though and drives home how absurd it was of John McCain to equate the popularity of Barack Obama to a paparazzi princess. The lightheartedness makes it clear that it should not be confused for a legitimate campaign ad, and therefore, makes it really easy to enjoy, despite how seriously you may take your politics.
Whether you hate her or love her, Hilton’s video gives everyone a great opportunity to take a minute away from the seriousness of the election. Maybe she’s a complete idiot, but the video really seems to be all in good fun. Laugh with her or at her, but at the very least, do what she says and “get your cute little butt out there and vote.”