By Brendan Barnes, Staff Writer
Demetri Martin returned this past Thursday night to Comedy Central with the premiere of the second season of his aptly-titled show, ‘Important Things with Demetri Martin.’ As with every episode, Martin chooses a word—or ‘Thing’— and organizes the entire show around exploring the various absurdities of that word. In addition to traditional stand-up jokes on the topic, Martin adds sketches and animations to broaden the comedy.
Thursday’s word was a cleverly chosen. Throughout the show, Martin observes the often ridiculous methods people, and animals, follow to draw attention to themselves. The first sketch featured guest star Alan Dale, playing an intimidating mobster with a henchman—played by Martin in an afro wig—who simply cannot stop adding commentary to everything his boss says. When Dale tells his hostages that they have “a one way ticket to hell,” Martin sarcastically blurts out, “You should have bought a round-trip ticket. But that would cost another $20 million— too expensive.” In this sketch especially, Martin feels more relaxed and comfortable with the format of the show than he did last season—when he was still working out the kinks.
Another highlight includes the ‘Bruce, the Funny Dog sketch,’ where audiences are treated to Demetri Martin sporting a typical ‘80s mustache, while combating a dog that can’t stop wearing unbelievable costumes at very inappropriate times.
Martin’s trademark dry sense of humor is as amusing as ever when he ponders the way in which methods of attracting attention can be good, bad, or interesting—depending on context. When he describes flirting, he says it is good when “trying to get a date,” but bad when “trying to get out of sexual harassment charges.” However, flirting is at the most interesting when “you’re in the electric chair.”
Martin’s typical charts and diagrams make an appearance, but usually keep you watching rather than laughing in your seat, which can be both a good and a bad thing. Despite this lull, the funnier moments in the show are entertaining enough to balance the show out.
A rollover from the previous season, ‘Attention’ features a segment called, ‘Important Things,’ which advertises fake products from the show. Thursday’s best selection was the ‘forehead texter,’ which allows a person to text and talk simultaneously, and not appear rude.
‘Important Things’ benefits most of all from a smoother production and what seems to be a deeper commitment from Comedy Central. After a first season that managed to rival the ratings of one of Comedy Central’s most popular shows, The Chappelle Show, ‘Important Things’ has established itself as a serious competitor in Thursday night ratings. And if Comedy Central has been seeking to fill the vacuum left by the abrupt and controversial ending of Chappelle’s Show, the network seems to have found a suitable answer in “Important Things with Demetri Martin.”

Demetri Martin (Photo courtesy