By By the Chronicle Staff
In Bits & Bytes:
Guy 1: So what are you giving up for Lent?
Guy 2: I think I’m gonna try to not bang any girls with boyfriends.
In Dempster:
Guy: I had a chance to get with lesbians, until one of them threw up on my shoes.
On the Unispan:
Girl: Did I drink this weekend? I can’t remember?
In the Student Center:
Girl: I’m very science and math while my sister is very English and social studies. My brother’s aspiration is to go to Nassau and be a gym teacher.
In Davison:
Girl: What is up your a—–e today? You are cranky-pants.
Outside Calkins:
Guy 1: She won’t give me anything any more.
Guy 2: Dude, she’s Asian. Don’t f–k this up.
In Breslin (basement):
Girl: If I stand on the stairs do you think my text will still send?
In the Student Center:
Guy: I visited my girlfriend and her and her friends were bugging out about what it said on the site. But then I checked out Hofstra’s and it said I’m the hottest freshman so I didn’t care!
In class:
Girl: I had an exam at 9 a.m. but I didn’t get home til 3. I couldn’t sleep.
Near Mason:
Guy: I can’t believe it’s not butter. That’s crazy!
In Breslin:
Guy: All the money is in Lol-Cats. All the money.
In Bits & Bytes:
Guy: And then the stripper picked up the dollar bill with her c–t.
In The Chronicle Office:
Guy: You’re really sexy when you eat.