By By Jenna Grasso, Staff Writer
The dining halls are great when you first start out at college, but they soon turn into a last resort when you are running late for a class. Many college students are guilty of this, and after a while the “on-the-go” meal from the dining hall becomes bland. You simply become tried of the too-familiar Student Center food. Every student reaches a point where all they crave is homemade food, but just doesn’t have the time to make it. Maybe they just don’t know the options that they have to make it.
A pot roast dinner with mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce is a meal that is surprisingly very simple to make after a simple trip to the nearest Target via the shuttle. Country Crock mashed potatoes are simple; the only preparation is to put in the microwave for five minutes. The pot roast is microwavable and only needs to be put into the microwave for 10 minutes.
The next item off the dinner menu is the cranberry sauce. All you need to do is take it out of the can and it’s ready to go! If you don’t like cranberry sauce feel free to substitute it with other foods such as broccoli with cheese or corn. Both of these can go in the microwave and are just as simple to make! Even after you have made it you can put the leftovers in the refrigerator and heat them up at a later time. This is as close to a homemade meal as you can get while never leaving Hofstra’s campus.