By Myron Mathis
At this stage in our lives, many college students seek companionship. We go to school not only to learn, but also to find our better half, whether for a short- or long-term relationship. Traditionally, there is some sort of courtship involved in this, but from what I’ve observed, there is quite a lack of chivalry in the men at Hofstra. This isn’t to say that all guys are rude and abrasive towards the ladies, but Hofstra still has a good number who act that way. Unlike those guys, I refuse to dog women and then validate my actions by simply saying, “I’m a guy, it’s what I do.” It is this very male chauvinistic mindset I find barbaric and demeaning.
The young women of Hofstra have a lot to offer aside from anything physical, which I feel guys on a whole honestly don’t notice.
Last semester, I watched the Danceworks’ Fall Concert. Not only were all of the dances elaborate and entertaining, they were all choreographed by the young women of Danceworks. I saw great creativity and wit in all of the pieces. Moreover, Danceworks put on their extensive show only days after Hofstra’s Dance Department Fall Show, which many Danceworks dancers were in. I was amazed at their ability to memorize dances for both shows.
Upon looking through a couple different editions of The Chronicle, I noticed that at least half of the writers in the paper are female. Most, if not all, of their articles in the paper are both entertaining and informative. Topics of the articles written by females range from Hofstra news to theater reviews to editorials.
Maybe it is the mindset of Hofstra’s men that in order to be treated like a lady, a mature young woman must act like one. Regardless of their actions (I do find almost all of Hofstra’s women ladylike), men should “man up” and do the right thing. Start thinking and feeling with your head instead of another part of your anatomy. As Valentine’s Day draws closer, I see more couples walking around campus. To make something long-term needs added effort. Stay classy, Hofstra.