This letter is in response to the Viewpoint in the most recent edition of the Chronicle. Nathan Yadgar argues that the new chapter of NORML should look at its intentions and seek to educate about marijuana use instead of decriminalize it. I have a few problems with his piece. First, NORML is a national organization that has its beliefs and tenets written in a statement just like any other national interest group. For this reason, one cannot just change Hofstra’s groups attempts, as they simply follow the ideas of the national group. Secondly, Yadgar argues that we must educate people about the effects of marijuana-use. As a 21 year old college student, I have already heard everything there is to hear about the effects of marijuana use. Remember the DARE program? Or what about the millions of dollars spent on the “War on Drugs?” Maybe we have a bigger problem here. Perhaps the government should let people be free to experiement with their own bodies and not treat American citizens as its puppets. I hope that Mr. Yadgar reads this letter and realizes that education has already been attempted…and it hasnt worked. And by thw way, relating NORML to Nazi Germany – not even close.
Kevin BoehmSenior, Hofstra University