By Kayla Walker
During the Student Government Association elections the University students will have the opportunity to vote on whether or not funds should be allocated toward the renovation of Roosevelt Hall, a project the would cost approximately $2 million. Student Government Association elections will be held from Apr. 20 to the 21.
Student Government Association Senator, Scott Andreala, brought up the possibility of renovating Roosevelt Hall at an Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) meeting. Andreala and AAC Chairman Nick Venditto approached the dean of New College, David Christman, to discuss the probability of remodeling Roosevelt Hall.
“I feel like the University has skipped over Roosevelt Hall,” Andreala said. “It’s the only building that holds New College classes so students stay there all day long.”
“When you go in Roosevelt you notice that there isn’t complete handicap access, the walls are in need of new paint jobs and the lighting is really poor,” Kathleen Hunker, AAC member and political science major said. “Its become an environment that is difficult to learn in.”
In 2003 the University set up a five-year plan for New College, the School for University Studies and Roosevelt Hall. Between 2004 and 2005 an elevator going from the first floor to the lower level should have been put in place, the estimated cost was $200,000. Currently, there is no handicapped access to the lower level of Roosevelt Hall.
According to the University’s five-year plan, in the 2005-06 academic year Roosevelt Hall should receive “modernization and renovation” of the lower level which would cost the University $400,000. This includes the covering of cinder blocks, improved floors, ceilings, lightings and possibly windows.
By 2009 all the floors should be renovated with each floor costing $450,000.
The addendum was approved and the funds were allocated for the renovation process.
“Somehow the funds never reached the project,” Venditto explained, “We were told that it ‘disappeared’ which probably means it got spent somewhere else.”
Andreala said the renovation would improve awareness of New College.
“I feel like a lot of students don’t know about New College,” he said. “I think if the building could be improved than more people would be aware of New College and enroll.”
The AAC has been collecting signatures to show support for the project,
“I’ve only had one person that didn’t sign the petition when I asked,” Andreala said.