An article appearing in the Sept. 16 issue of The Chronicle, “Rape leaves questions for campus security,” misstated important statistics pertaining to campus safety. The article noted that there were 26 forcible sex offences recorded in the University’s 2003 Campus Safety Report, when there were in fact 15 in the report, which reflected information from 2000 to 2002, a three year period. The article also stated that there were nine instances of aggravated assault in that same year when there were in fact four documented in the report. Seton Hall’s crime statistics were also misstated. Last week’s article stated there were 12 incidents of forcible sex offences, when there were in fact nine offences from 200 to 2002. Seton Hall’s crime report listed 22 cases of aggravated assault, and The Chronicle reported there were 32 incidents from 2000 to 2002. The Chronicle regrets the enormous mistake and apologizes to its readers. The error was made in the statistical interpretation of campus safety reports. Steps have been taken to assure that such mistakes do not occur in the future.
A photo of the Eyes Wide Open exhibit in the Sept. 16 issue of The Chronicle was mistakenly credited to Jeannine Coppola. The photo was taken by Steven Henry.
The Chronicle regrets the errors.
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