By Mahwish Khan
The Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library launched a full electronic classroom to support its growing library instruction program.
The new classroom, located on the main floor of Axinn Library, has 40 workstations, a SmartBoard and other audio/video equipment.
“This will be a big boost for the [library] instruction program,” Ann Grafstein, coordinator of Library Instruction said.
The electronic classroom will help the library expand its instruction program, both for the credit courses it currently offers in connection with the First Year Program, as well as for the many non-credit classes and workshops it provides, she said.
The library instruction program teaches research skills to students so they know how to use and evaluate the information they find. It also helps students define what information they need and if what they find is credible. Students can thereby navigate the world of information, not only in order to do academic work but can also use them for a wide variety of applications.
Previously the room was used as an open lab and housed only 28 workstations. Since there was no permanent set up for a projector or screen, the room had to be emptied and a projector connected prior to each class. The unconventional set up of the desks made it hard to establish eye contact with the students.
The electric classroom takes advantage of the latest technology and provides students with an innovative course on library instruction.