By By Ryan Broderick, News Editor
The Chronicle: So first off, how’d you end up at Hofstra?
Max Bemis: Well, we’re not really on a tour so much as you guys offered us the show and we just took it.
TC: Oh, okay, well I’m sure you guys are real excited about the new album coming out. Can you talk a little bit about making it?
MB: Uh sure yeah, this is definitely the best record we’ve ever made, in my opinion. We challenged ourselves more than we’ve ever challenged ourselves to make a record that’s not just for us but for everyone. The last record that we did was very much totally a diary for us.
TC: How was the production different comparing “In Defense Of The Genre…” to your new one coming out? What was different, what was the same…
MB: The last record had a lot of songs on it so we couldn’t really delve into song structure as much as we’d like to. We took a lot of time [on this new record] analyzing and making sure that however we did it was the right way… that it was perfect for each song.
TC: I heard that you recently got married. Did it affect your songwriting in anyway?
MB: Yeah, completely. A main part of all the songs on the record have to do with that transformation that I went through. It’s probably, definitely, the most important part of that transformation so it’s linked to everyone on the record. Even just the state I was in, where I was a lot more centered. [On]the other records I was sitting by myself lonely where it was like an effort to live because it’s like “I don’t have anyone.” But with true love it’s just as much work. Not only now do I have this inspiration to draw on but I have my mind cleared and I’m able to focus on things that aren’t just about me and my relationships. My marriage is the most important thing in my life, but in a weird way I’m able to focus on other things more clearly by having it in my life.
TC: On “In Defense” you guys used guest stars very heavily and it was very much a studio album. On the self-titled album what was it like going back to a full band approach? Was it more fun? Less fun?
MB: It was more fun for me. The most fun part of “In Defense” was experimenting with different sounds to make this big giant thing because I mean, we had a major label budget for it, it’s not like we had people pushing us. For this one, everything about the situation was stimulating and really inspiring. The performances we were delivering on this album were coming out so much larger than life. So, where on the last record I was distracted by my personal life, on this album I could just rock.
TC: What can Hofstra students expect of you guys live? What’s changed since you’ve been on the road in support of the new album?
MB: Well, I mean the whole thing is that we have an insanely talented live band, like the guys who play live but not on the record. The guys who play with us are really part of the band. They’re playing things I couldn’t even play on the record. For this album the confidence level and drive has only increased, we don’t wanna be one of those bands that gets lazy. We try to play new songs, if we can, that no one has heard yet. Hopefully we’ll just continue to tour and get better and have people still wanting to come see us.

Say Anything on Stage. (Photo courtesy of Joel Faurote)