All in Books

Last Monday, Tracy Kidder, the pulitzer prize winning author of this year's common read, Mountains Beyond Mountains, came to speak to first year students. In his book, Kidder follows the medical antrhopoligist Dr. Paul Farmer in his crusade to bring medical help and disease prevention to the people of Haiti. Kidder also spoke to the crowd about Farmer's organization, Partner In Health, as well as the importance of recognizing the humanity of all people and pursuing a life with meaning. WRHU and The Chronicle sat down for a joint interview with Kidder before the talk:


Typically, we read memoirs of famous people like presidents or celebrities, or of people who have experienced a historical tragedy, like Holocaust survivors. We are interested in hearing what these people went through to attain fame or to survive in difficult times. Kim Sunée doesn't meet any of these standards. Sunée is a writer, food enthusiast and world traveler. Even though she is not famous, Sunée's memoir, "Trail of Crumbs: Hunger, Love and the Search for Home," is captivating enough to become a national bestseller.