By Cheryl Curry
The world is increasingly unsafe, and this campus is certainly no exception. However, there is a lot that can change that if people are willing to take a stand. On Thursday, Oct. 14, Women of Action sponsored “Take Back the Night,” an event designed for increasing awareness and discussion about sexual assault and on-campus safety. The event was held in the Greenhouse, and about 35 people attended, mostly female but a fair amount of males were also in attendance. There were two female singers performing while everyone ate. There was also some art and poetry displayed regarding topics such as rape, sexual and self-image, and female objectification. The discussion began after dinner. The men were asked to go to a separate room from the women for their own discussion; this was done to ensure everyone’s comfort in discussing personal and emotional subjects.
The discussions were lively and thought provoking, touching on incredibly powerful issues. After everyone had said all they felt the need to say (resulting in a very long evening), there was a break and the other group returned to briefly share what they had talked about. To close the night, and alert others of the issue, everyone who attended was invited to march around the campus in a sort of vigil. It was quite a sight; the marchers sang “Will the Circle Be Unbroken,” carried candles and walked in a slow line through the Student Center, across the unispan, left to California Avenue, passing by Public Safety and crossing Hempstead Turnpike to North campus. They paused at the Intramural Fields, a reportedly unsafe place for women at night, for a moment of silence and respect. Then the marchers headed back to just outside the Student Center closed their song, and said goodnight.
But what happened that night will not end there. Women of Action posted a question on each table in the Greenhouse regarding on-campus and general safety. For example, “How can Public Safety make you feel safer? The administration? How can women make each other feel safer?” The answers written on these papers, along with brainstorming at the end of the discussion, yielded these ideas on how to make the campus safer:
-Hold a sexual assault and or anti-sexism seminar during freshman orientation.
-Perform harsh background checks for Public Safety officers.
-Be consistent with methods already in place.
-Put up more blue lights; have a certain amount of blue lights per square feet.
-Work on Public Safety response time.
-Stop sexist comments when you hear them, as violence stems from sexism.
-Work towards women’s solidarity on campus.
-Call 911 instead of Public Safety.
-Write letters to the administration.
-Get professors informed and involved.
-Hold a weekly survivor speak out and get all campus clubs involved.
-Call escorts and make them come.
-Teach women how to say no.
-Implement new sexual policy on campus that requires each partner to ask permission every step of the way (Antioch Policy).
-Never assume anything when it comes to someone’s sexual comfort.
-Implement a new policy that allows students to report sexual misconduct even if underage drinking is involved.
In addition to coming up with these ideas, a new online group was formed, calling itself “Take It Back,” and comprised of University students who want to make our campus safer and people more aware. Some of these ideas are to be implemented on a campus-wide basis, while others are aimed at the individual’s thoughts and actions. However, Women of Action and the members of “Take It Back” believe they are all worth pursuing. No one should need to feel unsafe when they walk alone on this campus.