By Jessica Lewis
Two non-students were banned from campus on March 2 after they were reported to Public Safety for soliciting religious material on the Calkins Quad.
When a student returned to their vehicle parked in the Stuyvesant Hall parking lot, they discovered key marks on the trunk and passenger door on March 4. NCPD was not contacted.
While conducting rounds in Estabrook Hall, an RA reported to Public Safety that the odor of marijuana was coming from a room. When they responded, Public Safety keyed into the room and found nine males with the odor of marijuana, but didn’t recover any marijuana. Six of the nine were students and they all received a summons; the other three males were taken to the HIC, found to be non-students and banned from campus.
Six non-student females were banned from campus after Public Safety responded to an altercation at the Hofstra USA Imani Party on March 5. Five students were given appearance summons for actions of their guests.
When he woke up, a student residing in Stuyvesant Hall noticed that his XBox 360 and three controllers were stolen from his room on March 5. An investigation is being conducted.
Public Safety observed a car driving the wrong way on Colonial Square Drive on March 6. When Public Safety tried to stop the vehicle, they drove off. An investigation of the license plate number revealed that the driver was visiting a student. The student was given an appearance summons for actions of guest.
While conducting a Health and Safety Inspection in Newport House on March 7, Res Life staff members found a glass pipe used to smoke marijuana. The pipe was taken and the resident was given an appearance summons.