Hofstra’s Student Government Association (SGA) issued mid-semester reports this week regarding the state of campus affairs. The report highlighted a historic change in the fundamentals of SGA, as well as updates involving the appropriations of SGA’s over-$300,000 budget and its ongoing outreach efforts among student organizations.
SGA President Kathryn Harley and Vice President Kaylor Dimes toted progress and goals spanning a wide variety of campus issues, with a focus on student-administration relations specifically. Most notably, this week’s meeting minutes report said that surveys have been sent out to club leaders to gauge their experiences with reporting discriminatory behavior at Hofstra. The report also articulated a reinvigorated dedication to spending more time and money to improve campus accessibility and recreational activities.
The office of Comptroller Rhea Bathija has spent this semester bolstering relations with club leaders through routine face-to-face meetings. The report highlighted this semester’s improvements in requesting reallocation for club funds, which can now be done online. It was also noted that clubs as a whole have been issued $347,130 for the 2019 fall semester. About $46,000 has been distributed so far, bringing the net deficit to $6,599.99.
The Appropriations committee’s report outlined club funds doled out thus far, tallying at $103,655 in requested funds compared to $47,273 in allocated funds – a fulfillment rate of 44.74%.
The Club Relations Committee reported that it has overturned a controversial rule that formerly mandated clubs have eight weekly office hours. Now, clubs must only have two office hours per week. They have also extended time for clubs to utilize SGA storage space and created an SGA training packet for new club leaders. They plan to continue working with clubs to utilize storage space. They are also preparing an SGA leadership training session with student organizations.
The Public Relations Committee has been busy revamping SGA social media this year and tabling at events, but their biggest accomplishment this semester was putting a “suggestion box” on the Hofstra portal so students can express their ideas, comments and concerns to the Senate.
Non-SGA members are also encouraged to come to weekly Senate meetings to voice their opinions and ask questions. In the coming months, SGA plans to foster relations with the general student body by establishing a “Contact Your Student Senator” webpage, reaching out to Hofstra news organizations to publicize initiatives and launching a weekly newsletter.
The Student Services Committee announced it has “drastically changed the way it functions,” now focusing on student initiatives and advocacy. They have been working toward sustainability and accessibility on campus as well as outreach with the local high school this semester.
The report also highlighted the status of club elections. Only 22 SGA-recognized clubs have held proper elections this year so far. The deadline to do so is Sunday, Dec. 8. In addition, six clubs were granted SGA-recognized status this semester: The Hofbeats, The National Society for Black Engineers, Hardline Capital, De Moda, Makin’ Treble and The Dutchmen.