By Jahnasia Booker
On a weekday, at two o’clock in the morning while the rest of Long Island sleeps, 20-something year olds are popping bottles like celebrities, dressing like celebrities and grinding like celebrities – and among them, Santos Party House in Manhattan is very much alive.
So many students get caught up in the books. They forget that life is not only about what you know but also who you know. Getting the degree is hard, but getting “connections” is even harder. However, some Hofstra students are taking the initiative to go beyond the books and step into clubs.
On Monday, Sept. 21, the talent showcased at Santos Party House was one of our very own, RaShaan Perkins, stage name Perk Banks, a Hofstra sophomore and major in mass media studies.
“He’s going to make it. He has what it takes to make it on top!” said junior Willie Robinson.
Perkins is looking for more than a regular nine to five. In an interview with Perkins, the rapper said that his success is everything to him.
“My greatest fear is to not make it,” said the 20-year-old Banks Bros founder.
Perkins, a Delaware native, wanted more in life. Already a hot commodity in Delaware, he and a handful of friends started a “movement,” which they call the Banks Bros. But that was not enough for Perkins. He traveled all the way to New York to pursue his dreams as an artist, model, host and actor.
From attending his performance at Santos Party House, it is evident why Perkins has so many fans.
“I rock with his music, it’s different,” said a partygoer at Santos Party House where Perkins was performing.
“He doesn’t talk about the same things as everyone else. He does his own thing and I like that,” said the event coordinator, Nautrice.
The music that Perkins raps is more “hippy-ish,” as he would describe it.
“I want my music to be different; I want my music to appeal to more than the black crowd – I want it to be diverse. I want my music to be what is played at raves, or what people have blasting in their ears while they are doing their homework,” said Perkins.
His performance was different from all the others at the Santos club: there was more energy, and the performance was more personal.
“It was definitely different from what New Yorkers are used to. He’s a country boy. We expected something different, but he exceeded our expectations,” said the Santos Party House photographer, Benjamin Adler.
Many of the partygoers were so impressed by Perkin’s music performance that the owner invited him back for another performance.
“This life is about taking chances. You have to take chances when you’re in this industry. There are going to be nights where you go out and there are only two people in the crowd, but you gotta take that chance – it could be Jay-Z’s cousin in the crowd and you didn’t even know it. If I was to get an offer to sign with Jay-Z – I’m gone. Those chances only come once in a lifetime. It’s not all about what you know, but who you know,” said Perkins.