By Joe Pantorno, Sports Editor
On Nov. 9, a 20-foot section of bleacher collapsed during a soccer game at the Stadium. There was one injury, to a student’s left elbow.
A Public Safety Officer on patrol in Estabrook found three males with beer. Two males were non-students and were banned from campus. The student was given a summons.
On Nov. 10, a large group of four students and five non-students was found drinking alcohol on the Intramural Fields. The students were apprehended and given a summons, and the alcohol was confiscated. All of the non-students were banned from campus.
The smell of marijuana was noticed in Hague House in the Netherlands, and a Public Safety Officer keyed into the room. Upon questioning, the student inside admitted to possession and was issued an appearance summons.
Marijuana was reported in a room in Plymouth House and the room was entered, but only a strong scent was present. The resident was issued a summons.
On Nov. 12, a Jamestown House resident was discovered with a non-student guest who had been living in the room for over a week. Public Safety escorted the guest off campus and the student was issued an appearance summons.
In Providence House a student reported that, when they returned to their room, the doorknob had been kicked off and a footprint was on the door.
At the Netherlands North parking lot, a student was walking when one male acquaintance approached in a white Jeep, approached the student and assaulted him. Public Safety and NCPD responded and a report was taken but the male fled the scene. The student was taken to NUMC to be treated.
Nov. 13, a male was knocking on doors and harassing female students in Enterprise. A PSO responded, found the male, escorted him out of the building and issued a summons. The male had been drinking.
A female student in the Liberty Hall parking lot found half of her Nissan’s rear bumper hanging on the ground. NCPD filed a report.
A Hofstra student working in the HIC was texted by a male student who asked her to draw a Phi Delta Phi symbol on her body and send him a picture. The male student was issued a summons for aggravated harassment.

(Sean M. Gates/The Chronicle)