By: Isabela Jacobsen
Staff Writer
My definition for humidity would probably be my hair’s worst nightmare. From experience, I’ll tell you that there is nothing worse than feeling super cute with a new hairdo, and having it look like a broom by the time you step outside. After all those hours, minutes, seconds of work that you put into your hair, it ends up looking worse than if you had done nothing at all. Extremely frustrating, I know, but let’s go over some things to help your pretty hair stay in place:
Curl it don’t straighten it. I use this one often, especially when I just don’t feel like fighting the weather. Curling it, or waving it, is supposed to look pretty messy and wild. So instead of trying to tame your hair, have fun and embrace the crazy hair. Don’t make it so perfect; let your curls give you volume! You’ll notice that you won’t be as upset with the humidity if your hair is curly or wavy. Try it out!
If you are going out at nighttime, then before you get to your destination, put a hood on. Find a jack that has a hood and just wear it until you get to your location. I do this a lot too, especially if you are going to the bar, it can be quite a tough walk for your hair, so put a hood on to hold off from the frizzes.
Ponytail time. Instead of being upset that you can’t put your luscious hair down, make a cute ponytail. Use cute ponytail techniques and tips to add some variety to your hairstyle. You’d be surprised by how nice a ponytail can look. This will definitely help the humidity problem.
Also, don’t forget that there are several hair products to help. Look for some anti-frizz hair products, and deep condition your hair to help as well. These tips work well for me, so maybe it will for you too. If you want more beauty advice, go to my YouTube channel, honeyeyes494. Good luck!