By Jessica Lewis, News Editor
A student reported to Public Safety that while she was sitting in her room, another student spit water on her head for no apparent reason on Dec. 1. This incident also happened the previous night. The student was given an appearance summons.
Public Safety received a report that there were students smoking marijuana in a car in the Netherlands North parking lot on Dec. 2. Public Safety responded and discovered three people in a vehicle smoking marijuana. The occupants of the vehicle were discovered to be two students and a non-student. The students were given appearance summonses and the non-student was banned from campus.
A fight was reported to be happening in the laundry room of Vander Poel Hall on Dec 3. Public Safety responded and discovered that two students had been fighting over clothes in the washing machine, and the use of the machines. Both students suffered minor injuries and were taken to the NUMC. Police assistance was declined and both students were given an appearance summons.
A PSO assigned to Oak Street observed a student shoving another student and yelling on Dec. 4. The PSO officer responded, stopped the fight and issued an appearance summons to the student that was seen shoving the other student.
Two students were taken out of the basketball game on Dec. 4 because of inappropriate behavior. They were screaming inappropriate statements that violated the behavior policy. Both students were given an appearance summons.
On Dec. 5 Public Safety received a report from the RA of Delft House that the smell of marijuana was coming from a room. Public Safety responded and keyed into the room and found the residents inside. When they were questioned, the students turned over a grinder and a bong containing marijuana residue. Both students were given appearance summonses.
A student attempted to enter the Mack Arena with a 6-foot stick on Dec. 5. When he was told that he could not enter with the stick, he refused to comply. The stick was confiscated and the student was given an appearance summons.
The Hempstead Police Department received an anonymous call on Dec. 5 stating that she saw a man dressed in camouflage on the main campus with a rifle. Public Safety and the Hempstead Police Department arrived; they saw several students in camouflage with rifles. The students were acting out a scene.
An RA walking in the courtyard of the Netherlands observed an individual smoking marijuana in a room in Hager House with a fan blowing the smoke out of the window. Public Safety responded and issued the student an appearance summons and confiscated a marijuana grinder.