By Kara McGrath, Staff Writer
The last meeting of the 2009-2010 SGA season proved to be emotional on Tuesday night. The meeting began with the swearing in of five justices for the 2010-2011 SGA Judicial Panel, who then chose Yaneke Douglas as the chief justice.
Rules Chair Melanie Rosner then gave her yearly report. She announced that all aspects of SGA is now fully electronic, including club forms. These forms, such as those for club elections form, can be located by going into the Hofstra portal and clicking on the student tab. The SGA section is located in the top right section of the screen. Appropriations Chair Yeyoung Lee announced in her report that SGA had allocated a total of $148,527.83 to clubs this year and stayed out of the red.
The Senate heard two proposals and one resolution Tuesday night, all three of which were passed. The first proposal created a new position, Social Chair, who will plan outings for SGA to “further [their] internal relationship.” The second will require cabinet members to announce the hours they will be available in the SGA office for the upcoming workweek. The resolution states that The University will explore adding Showtime to its cable network for students on campus. According to senator and Showtime Campus Ambassador Nick Schweers, this will cost about one dollar per TV set per month.
The meeting then jumped to Public Relations Chair Tammy Kim’s final report. She gave an emotional and entertaining speech recognizing everyone she has worked with during her time in SGA. With this speech, the mood of the meeting became much more nostalgic.
The executive board, committee and representative reports not only summarized their year, but gave advice and wished good luck to whomever would be taking on their position in the upcoming year.
The meeting ended with senior goodbyes. Every senior senator gave a speech thanking those they have become most close with, congratulated the Senate on what many consider their best year ever, many mentioned that they felt that SGA is no longer seen as a cult, and left advice for those who will be back next year. There was an abundance of laughter as these students said their goodbyes to an organization who many of them have been a part of for most, if not all, of their Hofstra careers.