By Ben Suazo, Assistant News Editor
SGA’s meeting Tuesday night approved a new non-governmental organization (NGO) and future constitutional convention, all before next year’s cabinet was selected. This last night, before next year’s cabinet will assume their posts, focused on the future.
Kebba-Omar Jagne introduced SGA to his plan to found an NGO called MOVAAR, or Making Our Visions And Aspirations Reality. The NGO is a “grass-roots” group focused on collecting talented, primarily international students “to help reverse the brain drain by building leaders who can help their communities prosper,” according to Jagne.
Jagne is from Gambia, a small West African country, and says that his NGO is a reaction to less accessible funding for international students hoping to study abroad. He hopes that in the future, MOVAAR alumni will be able to provide such funding to future international students. SGA voted to accept MOVAAR as an SGA club.
President Jimmy Wells’ cabinet also introduced legislation to organize a constitutional convention next year. The legislation passed, and a constitutional committee with representation from each of SGA’s existing committees will meet once a week in the fall to propose amendments to SGA by Spring 2012.
Tuesday night failed to resolve the future of SGA’s Club Relations committee in its second effort to repurpose itself this year. On a more positive note, SGA agreed it will seek to transfer its big-budget sports clubs to the Fitness Center’s budget, which already lists the sports clubs in its mission online.