By Courtney Walsh, Staff Writer
The Student Government Association (SGA) spent an evening reviewing the semester’s progress on Tuesday, Oct. 21. With the added pressure of Hofstra’s 75th anniversary, SGA worked tirelessly throughout the semester in order to “truly make this year one to remember.”
Kicking the semester off with the largest class of delegates the senate has seen in a long time, the SGA reached its capacity early in the semester. However, this hasn’t stopped the remaining delegates from attending senate on Tuesday evenings in hopes of eventually becoming senators themselves. SGA President James Wells in particular, was moved by their determination.
“We’ve seen you guys here week after week, I just want to remind you that your dedication to this organization is truly admirable and it makes me proud as president to have people like you whoa re willing to donate so much time to this organization,” said Wells to a round of applause.
Wells then went on to acknowledge the SGA’s accomplishments thus far this fall, including the homecoming, the Jimmy Fallon performance, Collegiate Link, and the parking spot lottery. SGA’s Appropriations Committee fronted by chairman Jordan Baer have allocated a total of $23,105.86 this semester with a rough estimate of $26,894.14 remaining in contingency. Baer also instated new appropriations forms, which he hopes to be “more concise” and “easy to use”. The new forms are accessible through the Hofstra Portal.
The Appropriations Committee also held the first of three workshops focused on educating clubs how to properly propose a budget. The 12 new clubs, passed by the senate this semester, are required to attend one of these workshops, but older clubs are encouraged to participate as well.
Plans for the remainder of the semester include anti-bulling/harassment events sponsored by SGA.
“Due to the recent tragic events and controversy, Student Government will be spearheading an anti-bullying/harassment event,” said Wells. “The goal of the event will be to unite the Hofstra students behind the stance that this behavior is not tolerable.”
Destination Runway, the SGA’s annual philanthropic fashion show will be held on Nov. 20.
“Destination Runway is Student Government’s main contribution to the 75th anniversary celebration and our biggest philanthropy event,” said Wells.
This year’s theme is “fashion throughout the years, from Hofstra’s founding to today.” SGA also hopes to collaborate with Students for a Greener Hofstra (SGH). “We are looking to co-sponsor events with any student group,” said Vice President Lukas Miedreich.
To co-sponser events with SGA contact either [email protected] or [email protected].