By Jessica Lewis
A student was issued a summons on February 25 after refusing to move her car when Public Safety asked her. The student was blocking traffic in the roadway outside of the Student Center.
On February 26 a female and male student got into a physical altercation in Vander Poel Residence Hall where the male was pushing the female against a wall. The male was issued a summons.
Rene Renaldo was banned from campus on February 26 after Public Safety was asked to unlock a door in the Graduate Hall. Renaldo, who was drunk, was trying to get into her ex-boyfriends room.
On February 26, Public Safety responded to the Netherlands Café after a Resident Assistant informed them that two students were seen removing the seat cushions. When the students were confronted they ran with the cushions and were stopped in a vehicle by Public Safety. Both students were given a summons.
On February 26, Justin Berding and Michael Rounyek were banned from campus after Public Safety witnessed them climbing a fence on Hempstead Turnpike and trespassing onto campus.
Public Safety received an anonymous call on February 27 saying that two males jumped in front of a girl driving and were screaming obscenities at her. The two males were apprehended on the soccer field and they denied being students. When taken to the Hofstra Information Center, it was found out that they were both students. They both received summonses.
On February 28, two Resident Assistants, while doing rounds in New Complex Residence Hall, notified Public Safety that the occupant of a room had drugs. Public Safety responded and interviewed the students and he gave Public Safety eight small bags of marijuana that was confiscated. The student was given a summons.
On March 1, Public Safety gave a student a parking ticket for not having registered stickers on her vehicle. The student crumpled the ticket and threw it. She was given a summons.
On March 1, a wallet was found on Hempstead Turnpike and given to PUblic Safety. When Public Safety contacted the student she was told that a purchase was made in New York City on a credit card. The student believed that her wallet was stolen in the McDonald’s on Uniondale Avenue. Nassau County Police Department was contacted.